Southern Peninsula Classic and Historic Car Club
Southern Peninsula Classic and
Historic Car Club Inc.
Please select the BUTTON below to download the form you are requesting
All forms must be completed and submitted via post to the address at the bottom of the application form.
Membership Application
Membership Renewal Form
Committee Nomination Form
This form is required if you wish to nominate yourself or another member of the club to positions on the club committee that become vacant at the end of the clubs financial year.
If you cannot electronically obtain a form from the club website, and need one, we undertake to send it by mail or hand delivery, on request.
Also, you can get one at the September general meeting on the first Tuesday of september.
Ring Geoff Bartlett, or any Committee member named in the front of the Crankhandle.
The deadline for receipt of completed forms by the Secretary is September 17th.
Club Constitution and ByLaws
Please click on the following to view the clubs Constitution and ByLaws in PDF format, which can be downloaded or printed. If you want a hardcopy please contact a member of the committee and one will be provided